The context of the site presents us with its own opportunities, usually providing a unique design trigger. The site analysis sets up parameters of what we have to work with – typically the main factors are zoning, existing overlays, orientation, and future privacy. We not only consider the current conditions but also think about how the surrounding context might change in the future. Future proofing is part of creating truly generational designs. Depending on the topography of the land, soil conditions and slope stability including environmental conditions can also be guiding factors. Potential view lines are accurately documented at this stage and we love designing our homes to incorporate these unexpected aspects – a portal view to a shore line for example – it makes the most of what the land can offer. Existing vegetation is also a key consideration including those on immediate neighbouring properties. All these considerations are best practice when conducting a thorough site analysis.
We have been fortunate to work with so many great clients over the years. Most have been drawn to our studio by media coverage or awards of our existing work. The common thread is they are all seeking a quality design response that is generational and ever lasting in its liveability and style.
The primary purpose for a building is to provide shelter, beyond this the possibilities to how it looks and functions are limitless.
No two sites are the same, and no two clients are the same, therefore a design should ultimately reflect the unique qualities of both the land on which its’ sited and the individuality of its owners; elements of inspiration can be found in both.
A key to setting up a project from the start is openly discussing room requirements, garaging and allowable budget. We also pride ourselves on understanding our clients through open conversations and a casual interview style. These triggers can make for exciting results in the design where the flow of the home truly suits the day to day rituals of the occupants.
It is very rewarding to have been given opportunity and responsibility on so many key sites across the eastern seaboard. We look forward to making the most of the next opportunity and working with our clients for an amazing outcome.
Sustainability practices are incorporated where passive solar, energy efficiency, life cycle considerations and embodied energy ensure a responsible long-term footprint for our building designs. Sustainability is also achieved organically through biophilic design principles that seeks connection with the natural world – embracing a human desire to feel linked to the environment and in turn enhancing our daily living experiences. The precision in the connection of the house to its immediate surrounds gives a longevity and an enjoyment in the liveability of the place. This is important for the life cycle of the house which should be protected and valued for many years to come.
Smart design has the building working with us with careful planning so that water storage, solar panels and heating/cooling are all part of the original design consideration not an add on at the end. There are too many examples of tanks and pipes simply attached to the side of a building, where little to no forward planning has been involved to protect the aesthetic of the structure.
Our journey spans over 30 years and is underpinned by on the ground building and development experience, which allows us to stretch the budget by understanding process efficiencies and likely budget impacts of early design decisions. Our detailed drawings reflect this experience and give clear direction to the builder for the construction process.
Extensive travel has made up part of our wider understanding to experience the buildings in place which truly expresses the magic of the design. Beyond this we have invested our time in understanding the construction detailing as this is the key to low maintenance and longevity of the structure.
Biophilia is the word that best describes our design thinking and direction, we seek to ensure that the space puts you In direct, physical contact with nature, connecting to the natural rhythms of outside spaces. Seeking to make more of why we are drawn to the seashore, a walk in the woods or to view the horizon. This is the feeling we aim to connect our designs with.
Can a building have a sense of place and bear some relation to its location? How does the floor plan flow and connect to the different areas of a house? where we can socialise, feel protected or sleep undisturbed?
We believe the design can be all of this and more as we push to break the mould of standard home design thinking on what should be and what is possible.
Get in touch to discuss your next project. Fill in the contact form or talk to us on the Phone.
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Vibe Design Group offers Luxury Modernist-inspired Building Design services Australia wide.
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